Kieley pleased with response to Municipal Plan survey

By Mark Squibb

Mount Pearl Deputy Mayor Nicole Kieley is encouraged by the public response to a residents’ survey on the City’s municipal plan review.

Kieley reiterated the importance of the plan to Mount Pearl’s future as she addressed her colleagues during last week’s public council meeting.

“It was previously advised that the request for proposals for the Municipal Plan Review and Renew, and that includes the Integrated Transportation Plan, which is very important, closed October 16, 2023, and the successful proponent of that of course was Tract Consulting,” Kieley reminded people watching the meeting. “And since they’ve been awarded the contract, they’ve been doing significant work around getting your information, your feedback, for a plan that is so important in relation to the formation, development, and planning of our city.”

Kieley said the response to a community survey was great and asked residents to keep the feedback coming.

“Response to the community survey has been astounding, we’ve had over 1,200 hard copies and over 600 online surveys completed through the ‘Plan the Pearl’ website, and we’re going to be preparing a second round of public engagement later this fall,” said Kieley.

The new municipal plan touches on everything from public transport to floor plans.

“These are things that are so important to the future of our city,” said Kieley. “And right now, you are developing (the city) by giving your input.”

Posted on August 9, 2024 .