City drafts list of engineering firms to have on tap

By Mark Squibb

A move approved by city council last week may help staff find solutions to traffic troubles faster.

Deputy Mayor Nicole Kieley explained that staff had identified a need for traffic engineering support for intersection design, traffic control timing, traffic calming recommendations, accessibility requirements and other traffic engineering related concerns throughout the city.

To that end, staff issued a request for qualifications for traffic engineering services, and three companies – Harbourside Transportation Consultants, Englobe Corporation, and R.V. Anderson and Associates Ltd., -- submitted responses.

Kieley said the staff aren’t actually looking to tender any work at the moment, but instead curate a list of local companies for consideration when work needs to be tendered.

Mayor Dave Aker asked Director of Planning, Engineering, and Development Gerry Antle to elaborate a little further on the motion.

“This is about expediting some of the traffic engineering services that are common throughout the city,” said Antle. “When we have questions about particular developments of intersection challenges that we face, this allows us to utilize expert services that we’ve availed of through this RFQ, and when the time comes, if we need to avail of these services, we’ll seek proposals directly from one of these three, so it is expediting our work.”

Council voted unanimously to approve the three submissions.

Posted on June 14, 2024 .