Mount Pearl to install accessible bus shelter along Park Avenue

By Mark Squibb \ May 18, 2023

After delays, the City of Mount Pearl is making good on its commitment to build a wheelchair accessible bus shelter on Park Avenue near Coleman’s Supermarket.

Deputy Mayor Nicole Kieley explained during this week’s public meeting the City had a budget reserve of $10,000 left from a previous budget that had been allocated for the purchase and installation of an accessible bus shelter.

“There were delays in proceeding with this based on several factors,” said Kieley. “However, in response to the City’s request for three price quotes for the supply and delivery of a wheelchair accessible bus shelter, the City now has received quotes; and the lowest quote is from Pro Circuit Electrical Inc., and that is in the amount of $18,083, and that includes HST. The cost of installations, so that’s the materials and in-house labour, is not significant and it could be accommodated within the department’s existing operating budget, which is great.”

As no money had been allocated for bus shelters in Budget 2023, the Corporate Services and Public Works Committee recommended council pull $8,000 plus HST from the 2023 ‘Find Your Centre’ Budget to add on top of the $10,000 reserve fund.

Kieley said she could think of no better place for the bus shelter due to the number of nearby services and connections to other areas of the city and added that Inclusion NL has since been invited to offer input regarding placement and installation of the bus shelter, a decision she felt is important.

Councillor Isabelle Fry said she was pleased with the motion and asked whether there are any plans for additional bus shelters in the City.

Kieley said while there are no monies set aside for bus shelters in this year’s budget, she would like to see the matter discussed further.

“To me, I like to think about this as a planted seed for more,” said Kieley.

In the interest of timing, the matter had been discussed during a private committee meeting held May 2, and the committee supported the recommendation and authorized staff to proceed with the purchase.

Council’s public vote this week, which passed unanimously, was simply to rubber stamp that decision.

It was not specified for which calendar year the item had initially been budgeted.

Posted on May 26, 2023 .