Mount Pearl adopts new strategic plan

By Mark Squibb \ May 12, 2023

Mount Pearl council this week officially adopted Building Tomorrow, a new 5-year strategic plan that will guide council’s decision making until 2027.

“I’m very excited about this tonight, and so proud of the team, and of our colleagues here, who led the way and moved this forward in so many ways,” said Deputy Mayor Nicole Kieley, who moved that council adopt the new strategic plan. “This is the start of our future, and it starts today. We are a resilient, progressive city, and we have an unmatched sense of pride. Time and time again, we come together to support each other. We learn from each others’ experiences, and we use our shared journey to set new goals.”

Council discussed the plan, which Mayor Dave Aker had presented to Mount Pearl-Paradise Chamber of Commerce members during a luncheon last week, at great length.

The focuses of the plan include the building of better transportation within the City, strengthening economic development and improving workplace culture within City Hall.

Other new policies include a traffic calming plan, Integrated Active Transportation Plan, compilation of a business case for development of land north of Topsail Road, an Infrastructure Plan, two different Investment Attraction Plans, and a five-year Economic Development Strategy.

The City will also continue to implement the Trails Master Plan, City Centre Renewal Plan, Urban Forestry Plan, and the Recreation Master Plan.

Adoption of the strategic plan passed unanimously.

Council last week also proclaimed May 8 to the 12 as Municipal Awareness Week, a fact noted by Kieley during the presentation of the plan.

“I can’t think of a better day to adopt this than today, when we are signing a proclamation around Municipality Awareness, because this is what it’s all about,” said Kieley. “One of the most important things we do is come together, along with our staff, to set a vision for the city. And through the development of this strategic plan, we are going to guide decision making now and into the future.”

Posted on May 19, 2023 .