By Mark Squibb \ May 5, 2023
Mount Pearl council this week approved $233,169 in spending engineering oversight services on upgrades to Farrell Drive and other streets this summer.
A request for proposals closed on March 30, and the City received two submissions.
“The scope of work of the successful proponent will include design review, periodic construction inspection services, quality control services, quality assurance services, emergency inspection services, contract administration, progress claim review, safety document review, and hosting construction progress meetings,” explained councillor Mark Rice.
The Planning, Engineering and Development Committee recommended council award the contract to WSP E&I Canada Limited for the sum of $233,169, HST included.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Kieley noted the importance of the work, and asked about the City’s communication plan regarding possible traffic disruptions.
Director Gerry Antle said the City has notified residents of the work via social media and the City’s website, and that a hand out – “actual, real paper,” Antle joked— had been delivered to residents living on the streets that will be impacted.
“It is a disruption, there’s no doubt,” Antle allowed. “But it is for our betterment, it is for our asset management plan. But right now, the most important thing I would stress to bring to people’s attention, is these are work zones. These are no longer, technically, streets of the City. This is a work zone. We are permitting traffic and obviously residents who live there to access their property, but it is a work zone. Safety is our priority throughout these projects.”
He added residents can connect with the City if they have further questions.
The answer satisfied Kieley.
“We’re doing important work, work that is going to maintain our streets for the future — we’re upgrading,” said Kieley. “At the same time, we put communication and safety first and foremost for these projects.”
The motion passed unanimously.