Craft Fair at Church of the Ascension

Artist Darrell Yetman of Whiteway was at the Crafting Until Christmas fair at the Church of the Ascension on the weekend of December 16, selling his paintings of idyllic, rural Newfoundland settings. To the right of Yetman is a painting of his old buddy Jack Hambling, a re-creation of a sketch he made of his friend while fishing on the North Harbour River in St. Mary’s Bay, sometime in the late 80’s. The pair hiked for an hour and a half through bog and marsh to get to the spot, only to watch the sunset soon after their arrival. In fact, they didn’t even catch anything that day. “The only bites we got were from flies and mosquitoes,” Yetman said. Although Yetman would go on to give Humphries a painting of another scene in the area, his friend died before seeing the painting of himself. “This one is one of my favorites,” Yetman said, pointing to the work. “I still have the original.” Chad Feehan/Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Photo

Posted on December 29, 2023 .