Witless Bay awards road work for Southside Track

By Mark Squibb
December 8, 2023 Edition


Witless Bay council approved a contract for road repairs along Southside Track during November’s public meeting.

Council voted to award the work to the lowest compliant bidder, O’Brien’s Trucking Ltd., for $16,363, plus HST.

Councillor Ralph Carey explained the work will take place near the Puffin Centre. He noted there were a number of bidders for the job.

Gerard Dunne declared a conflict as the company he works for bid on the tender.

The motion was approved unanimously, excepting that Dunne did not participate due to the declared conflict of interest.

Council also approved a request for the installation of speed limit and ‘Children at Play’ signs on Gallows Cove Road.

Councillor Jacob Hayden suggested that residents who wish for signs along their road send in their requests.

“Over the years, you kind of have to move your ‘Children at Play signs’ around,” said Hayden. “As people get older, there may not be any children on that road anymore.”

Hayden said residents who want such a sign should make the request to council, as council does not know which roads have children living on them and which roads do not.

Posted on December 14, 2023 .