Winter parking ban takes effect next Friday

By Chad Feehan
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
November 24, 2023 Edition


It’s that time of year again: Mount Pearl’s winter parking restrictions come into effect December 1 and will remain in place until the last day of March, 2024.
Between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m., vehicles are prohibited from parking on City-owned streets and land. Parking in those areas during and for 12 hours after a storm is also prohibited.
The penalty for infringing on either of those restrictions is $75, but drivers are also at risk of having their vehicles towed.
During last week’s council meeting, Mayor Dave Aker noted there have been suggestions to implement restrictions following the first occurrence of snow, but allowed the December 1 date has “stood the test of time.”
Councillor Jim Locke agreed the consistency of a regular date, based on weather patterns and historical data, has proven beneficial.
“The whole intent of this is to expedite and ensure safe snow clearing operations on our city streets,” he said.
Director of Public Works Glen Dollimont pointed out that snow has already started to fall, and the parking restriction also benefits operations such as street salting.
“It makes a difference when everything is out of the way; we can do our job quicker, easier, and safer,” he said.
Councillor Chelsea Lane also agreed with keeping the date as it is.
“I think it’s better to be proactive than reactive,” she said. “I think there’s no reason to change things when things are working well right now.”
In addition to parking restrictions, the City can fine you $50 to $100 for shoveling, plowing, and blowing snow from driveways and parking lots onto roadways, sidewalks, and carriageways.

Posted on December 1, 2023 .