Construction crews hurrying to get work done before the snow flies

By Chad Feehan
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 13, 2023 Edition

City staff are currently overseeing a number of construction projects within Mount Pearl as the season for such work winds to a close for the winter.
Construction has begun on Birch Avenue, and is estimated to remain in effect until November 15th, 2023. Temporary loss of water service, traffic impediments, and restrictions to driveway access are expected.
Underground components to Roosevelt Avenue are currently being replaced. Work is scheduled to be completed sometime this month.
Ongoing work to the underground replacement operation on Farrell Drive is set to end in November of this year for the winter, and restart in the spring of 2024.
Olympic Drive is set to receive a re-surfacing of asphalt this month, and also see sidewalk and curb replacement.
Manhole repairs in the city are estimated to finish on October 15th.

Posted on October 19, 2023 .