Antle not impressed with state of fence

By Mark Squibb/April 14, 2022

The need for fence repairs at St. David’s Park has raised the ire of one Mount Pearl City councillor.

“The fence is five years old, and here we are repairing the fence,” said councillor Bill Antle during last week’s public meeting. “When you build a fence, you think you’re going to get 20 years out of it.”

Councillor Isabelle Fry had brought the motion to make the repairs forward.

“Back in 2016 as a part of the re-development plan, a fence was installed around St. David’s Park,” explained Fry. “The fence is now in a bit of disrepair, sagging in places, and two sections require replacement. Staff reviewed the matter and determined that the five-year warranty on the fence has expired. The fence was initially installed as part of the St. David’s Park redevelopment by Provincial Fence Products via a general contractor, Redwood Construction. Provincial Fence Products have provided a quote for the repair work required, to remove sections of fence in order to repair brackets, regrade posts, etcetera, in the amount of $10,190, HST included.”

Fry moved to approve the required repairs at the quoted price, with the work to be carried out this spring. She said further that as it was an unanticipated, and therefore unbudgeted, expense, council has to dip into a 2022 capital reserve budget to cover the cost.

She noted the parts are being supplied by the company free of charge, and that the costs are entirely for labor.

“Well, good thing I would say,” quipped Mayor Dave Aker.

Antle said that while he was disappointed the fence needs to be repaired in the first place, he was glad the company is providing the parts free of charge.

“It’s like, as soon the warranty is over, something breaks,” said Antle. “So, I’m certainly happy we’re getting it done. Let’s get it done and get our fence back again, but I’m kind of disappointed we’re doing it.”

Put to a vote, the motion to approve the repairs passed unanimously.

Posted on April 22, 2022 .