By Craig Westcott
Here's something you don't see everyday – a big public works project coming in under budget.
But that's exactly what happened with the City of Mount Pearl's repaving of Old Placentia Road in sections from Nelder Drive to Ruth Avenue, the eastbound section of Ruth Avenue to Smallwood Drive, Smallwood Drive to Richard Nolan Drive, and Richard Nolan Drive to Commonwealth Avenue.
The job was awarded in 2020 to Weir's Construction Ltd., for $1.64 million. The funds came out of the City's federal gas tax grant.
By the time the job was competed, despite some additional sidewalk being replaced and other sections of asphalt being removed, the total cost weighed in at just over $1.4 million. That left a savings of $263,841.
Councillor Mark Rice, who co-chairs council's infrastructure and public works committee, described it as a good news story, which he had saved for the end of his regular committee report.
Rice made a motion that council return the savings to the Gas Tax account.
"It's a great news story," agreed Mayor Dave Aker. "And we've already allocated the money (from the savings) to other roadways here in the city."