Antle hoping for re-election in Mount Pearl

By Chris Lewis | July 29, 2021

With one term on council under his belt, Bill Antle says he still has something to contribute and wants to see Mount Pearl continue on the right path.

“Four years ago, I thought I could give back to the city, and I still think I have a lot to offer,” Antle said. “Mount Pearl has done so much for me and my family, I thought this was a good way to give back.”

Antle, a former district sales manager for Heinz Canada, is retired and says he has plenty of time to dedicate himself to bettering the city.

On Antle’s to-do list are three major categories: economic growth, municipal services, and recreation. His priority, he said, is to keep taxes low, and services high.

Those are things he heard from residents as he went door to door back in 2017 and they haven’t changed.

“Mount Pearl is experiencing solid growth – even in these unprecedented times – in both Donovan's and the retail sector as a result of our continued efforts to attract and retain business,” he said. “This will strengthen our tax base, and allow us to improve municipal services and provide employment opportunities right here in our community.”

Antle acknowledged some people’s frustration with government processes and said if he’s re-elected he hopes to “cut through the red tape” as much as possible, and see things done quicker and more efficiently.

But most residents are generally be satisfied with the services provided by the City, he said. He added his job as a councillor is to ensure those services are always there, and that they continue to improve as time goes on.

“There’s not too many issues really,” he said. “Maintaining our snow clearing is important, our trails are second to none, our recreation services can always be improved. That’s all of what I hear, but most people just want to make sure our taxes remain low.”

Looking back at the past four years, Antle said he is proud of the work council has accomplished.

“It’s all about listening to what the people want,” he said. “Before I was a councillor, I was sometimes frustrated with these little things, but they’ve only improved. We take care of things, and make sure it all runs smoothly. That’s what I hope to keep doing here.”

Posted on August 5, 2021 .