Mount Pearl commends former councillor Lucy Stoyles

By Chris Lewis | July 8, 2021

Former councillor, and current MHA, Lucy Stoyles got a bit of recognition from Mount Pearl city council this past week.

Council members in the City of Mount Pearl got together in the council chambers again for the first time since January on Tuesday, June 29, having done most meetings virtually via Zoom. This meeting, however, came with a guest appearance by a familiar face: Lucy Stoyles, who had served as a member of City council for some 25-years prior to being elected to the position of MHA for Mount Pearl-Southlands.

Stoyles’ presence at council this night was not necessarily as an MHA, though. She was there on the 29th following an invitation from council, who had a plaque prepared for her in recognition for her lengthy service on council.

Stoyles was first elected to the council chambers in 1996 during a by-election, and was commended for her longevity and lifetime’s worth of effort by Mayor Dave Aker that night as he looked around the chambers to see Stoyles’ face on a number of pictures hung on the wall featuring City counicls of the past.

“Serving is not just here in the Chamber … Some of the work is done here, but much of it is done typically behind the scenes at public and private events,” Aker said of Stoyles’ work as a councillor. “We’re so proud of you, MHA Stoyles.”

Stoyles herself took some time during the evening to speak to her time on council, which she referred to as something of a family setting for her at this point. She said she spent all those years looking forward to making an appearance in the council chambers on Tuesday nights.

With municipal elections coming up, Stoyles said she had met and spoken to a number of people who were thinking about running for City council in September. To those people, Stoyles had a few words of wisdom.

“I always send them to Mona (Lewis) first. She’s the person to talk to about getting involved in public life,” Stoyles said, commending the work of the City clerk with whom she worked closely with during her municipal career.

“If you think you can do this, well, if you want it you can. But you’ve got to work at it. You can’t just put your name on a ballot and think it’s going to happen. This is time consuming, and is something where you’ve got to give it your all. The best person for anyone to go to is not actually me, it’s Mona. She will be able to give people all the information they need.”

Stoyles was presented with a plaque from council that night.

That plaque read “In recognition of your noteworthy accomplishments and advocacy, spanning 25-years, which contributed to improving Mount Pearl for all who live and work here with a strong sense of home. Thank you for your dedication to further building our progressive, independent City.”

Posted on July 28, 2021 .