Mount Pearl boy wishes upon a note, piles up donations

By Chris Lewis | May 6, 2021

A Mount Pearl boy is putting his talents towards a good cause, again.

Alex Taylor, a 12-year-old Mount Pearl Intermediate student, is an avid musician. Often seen with a guitar in hand, Taylor’s love of music has recently turned into an ongoing donation to Make-A-Wish Canada.

Taylor has been involved in music for some seven years now, since he was only five-years-old. He says he likes to play a variety of music, but the genre that keeps his interest burning is one that can be seen and heard in just about every corner of the province: traditional Newfoundland tunes.

Although his instrument of choice is a guitar, Taylor’s interest in the province’s music scene has led to him picking up other instruments such as the accordion, piano, and most recently the banjo.

Taylor said his love of music is simple: he likes to play it and to listen to it, and that is all there is to it.

“I grew up around Newfoundland music, so that’s what I’m into mostly,” he said.

This passion for tunes is the basis of his most recent endeavour: a virtual concert, and an attempt to raise money for those who are less fortunate than himself.

‘Wish Upon a Note’ is the name Taylor gave to his concert, which was livestreamed to his Facebook page on Saturday night, May 1st.

“I wanted to do it for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and critically ill children, who should be able to have their wish granted,” Taylor said. “I know there are critically ill children out there who are not doing as well during this pandemic. There’s a lot of things going on right now; some people can’t see their family, can’t see their friends. It’s worse for certain people because of their immune systems, and I knew I could help them this way.”

Taylor’s concert, which saw him perform in his living room a number of songs Newfoundlanders would likely be familiar with, came with a monetary goal of $500 to be donated to the Newfoundland and Labrador chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

As of the following Monday, May 3, Taylor’s fundraiser had surpassed the halfway mark with $275, but is still an ongoing thing, he said.

Taylor’s fundraiser can be accessed via his facebook page, “Alex Taylor (Musician)” where a recording of his show can still be viewed, along with a donation link for anyone wanting to contribute.

“I think it went well; it was just me playing some songs like ‘Mussels in the Corner’ on my accordion, I did ‘Grey Foggy Day.’ Some things like that,” he said.

Although a virtual concert was a fun idea given the circumstances, Taylor said he is especially looking forward to a day when people can get together and enjoy live music performances again.

In that same breath, the young musician is hoping to turn this one event into an annual one, where he will host concerts – virtually or otherwise – to help raise funds for important local causes like the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Posted on May 14, 2021 .