Busy year for public works

By Chris Lewis | April 8, 2021

Deputy Mayor Jim Locke is pleased with the work being done by the City’s public works staff in the face of challenges posed by an unprecedented year.

“Despite COVID-19 and everything that’s been thrown at us, our staff hasn’t skipped a beat,” Locke said Tuesday. “There’s tenders being awarded, and tenders soon to go out, and other work being planned.”

Among the projects being undertaken are crack sealing, materials testing, street marking, laying of the St. David’s Avenue project’s top layer of asphalt, work on the Glacier Arena’s HVAC system, and street upgrades on Badcock Place.

As for some tenders that are waiting to be finalized, Locke said the St. David’s Park accessible playground work will get underway sooner rather than later.

“We had to get an easement finalized with Newfoundland Power,” Locke explained. “Then, on April 12th we’re going to review the package and we’re hoping to get it to tender by the week of April 19.”

The Kenmount Hill and Topsail Road storm outlet upgrades will be tendered the same week. City Hall is also on the list for roof and heating ventilation upgrades.

“A lot of work planned. We’re going to have a busy construction season, so that’s great to see,” Locke said.

Posted on April 15, 2021 .