What to do with the underpasses

By Mark Squibb | Oct. 8, 2020

A report from Dillion Consulting Ltd., on the City of Mount Pearl’s overpasses was brought before council during the October 6 meeting.

Council had approved Dillion for a review of remediation options in September, following the temporary closure of the pedestrian underpass on Old Placentia Road for safety reasons.

The report listed three options for remediation of the Old Placentia Road underpass: Complete replacement at an estimated cost of $1,020,000, not including HST; Relining at an estimated cost of $750,000, not including HST; or, Concrete Infill Rehabilitation, at an estimated cost of $265,000, not including HST.

“Option three was the lowest price, and our consultant said that this will last up to forty years,” said councillor Lucy Stoyles on the work. “Our consultant is saying that this needs to be done right away, so we’re recommending we use $80,573.86 of the multi year capital works, which we still have money to transfer over into 2020-2021.”

Dillion found that underpasses on Richard Nolan Drive and Smallwood Drive would not require any repairs or upgrades for another 5-10 years. Inspections will be required every two years to keep track of any serious deterioration or aging that would require immediate attention.

The full amount of the concrete infill rehab is $390,847.26 including HST, which would require an additional $80,573.86 than originally thought.

Regarding the other two underpasses, on Richard Nolan Drive and Smallwood Drive, the consultant advised that these are sound at this time, and estimates that any repairs or upgrading may not be required for another 5- 10 years; however, inspections would still be required every two years or so.

Council approved the motion unanimously.

Posted on October 16, 2020 .